The Crazy German Menace

Thurston. This dude actually jumped THE wall. THE BERLIN WALL!

Heeeeeyyyyyy mother-fucker!

Goin' Shoppin'

Mmmmmmm, tasty good luck.


Ohhhhhhhhhh, you say you're the only one with DVD9!?

Got it right here. Godfather trilogy! DVD9, baby!

Off to Santiago's with Putu

Ahhh, Putu. What can I say.

Putu, dude, she's just waiting for you to ask.

But first, a quick stop at Mc-y D's, cause there ain't anything to eat near Santiago's.

Andy & daughter. Santiago's partner. I hear there's mercury in them thar fillings!

And a quick detour to Ubud

...where I finally got ripped off by a monkey on the street.