Rays On A Plane
Imagine your greatest fears: Claustrophobia, Vertigo, Fear of planes, Fear of babies - all rolled into one...
Ray finally got to fly in a plane. Three trips to Bangkok, and of course, the big one over the Pacific. Sow's mom came up and met us in Chiang Mai for the last couple days while we moved out of our house and then flew down with us to Bangkok to pick up Sow's passport and visa.
I gotta say, I'm really impressed with how much she's opened up. When I first met her, she wouldn't set foot in a large building with more than 2 floors, let alone get on a plane. By the time we had Ray, she was up to visit us on the 10th floor right away.

With all the miles I'd flown we got free upgrades to business class where they fitted us with this sweet baby bassinet that hooked right into the bulkhead. Those are also video on demand touch screens, so Ray was able to reset all the movies we tried to watch.

Arrival in L.A.