So last thursday I totally flaked on the reception for
Methodfest. Instead I chose (i.e.
forgot) to stay home and pack for my trip. And yes, there may have been some World of Warcraft involved.

Colin, Daniel, and Ilya did in fact make it though and they said they had a swell time. Michael Madsen presented David Carradine with the 2006 Maverick award for his outstanding contribution to cinema and his versatility as an actor, producer, director, writer, editor, composer, and heck, for just driving out to Calabasas. Apparently the milk jug baseball toss and the mini-eclairs were quite a draw too. Ilya was a little upset that they didn't have any Thai whiskey at the bar (i.e.
Rum). However, he did manage to make David Carradine feel "totally old" by mentioning how he and his little brother used to watch Kung-Fu every day when they were little.
But enough of that. Methodfest has announced their
line-up and we're like the 3rd film mentioned. Snuggled up against such names as Gina Gershon, Chaz Palminteri, Michael Rapaport, D.B. Sweeney, & Ed Harris. Out of 723 feature films submitted, we were one of 22 selected for the festival. There are either a whole lot of bad films out there, or we were just the only ones free that weekend?
Here's what Methodfest has to say about the festival:
Named after a famous school of acting, The Method Fest is the only major film festival in the U.S. focusing on acting, celebrating breakout acting performances in story driven independent films. The Method Fest takes great pride in being a discovery festival, looking to help launch the works of young fresh filmmakers and to discover breakthrough performances by young, bold new actors. The festival has also taken great delight in sharing career-defining performances of established performers and in showcasing a few chosen well-known directors to screen at the festival.
I'm so quitting my day job in the movie business...
Bangkok will be screening Saturday April 1st, 4:30pm at Carlson Family Theatre, Viewpoint School, 23620 Mulholland Hwy., Calabasas, CA 91302. Tickets will be available thru
BrownPaperTickets.com in about a week. I'll post again, when I have more info. Note that you've been warned. Save the date.