Thursday, March 30, 2006

LA Weekly Review

Come see what the critics are raving about!!!

Abel Johnson is "...quite wonderful, impressively navigating the space between the character’s dimwit and smart-ass attributes..."

-Ernest Hardy
LA Weekly

I opened the LA Weekly today, and to my surprise, found Colin's head poked out a train window and staring back at me!? Someone at Method Fest sent them one of our screeners, and get this, someone at the weekly actually watched the film and reviewed it!? He doesn't have all good things to say about it, but coming from the Weekly, that's actually pretty good he said anything nice at all.

We've been planting little ads all over the internet and getting little mentions in print and on the radio. We'll see how well it's all worked come saturday when we're playing to a full house or not.

See you there!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

He's Wild! He'sCrazy!

Oh, he's gonna be a handful when he starts walking.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Bangkok f'kin goes International!

This morning, Colin got up, checked his email, and discovered that our film Bangkok has officially become an international contender! Yes, another festival. Filmstock Festival in the UK. Here's what the nice people at Filmstock had to say.

Greetings from the bunker. Sorry you haven’t heard from us in a while, we have had mountains of entries, many of them great, making this year’s selection incredibly tough

We delay no longer

We would love to show your film at Filmstock this year.

This is a quick note basically to say that, to put your minds at rest.

We don’t know when in the festival, we don’t know in which screen but we will be showing it and making sure the screening goes as well as it can. You will receive official word in the next couple of weeks. We are on hand to answer any questions and hope this starts a dialogue that sees us welcoming you personally in June.

For now, until then

Welcome to Filmstock


Neil & Justin

1-15 JUNE

So I can't tell you when. I can't tell you where. But I sure hope I can make it. With all the international travel I've made, I've never made it to Europe. Maybe this whole immigration thing will line up nicely with a stop over on the way back to the states? BTW, if you're thinking of going, here's how to get there -

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Bangkok in the Daily News

With the Film Festival quickly approaching, we've received our first newspaper article about the film. Being that I'm the only one that actually lives in the valley, I made it on the front page (of the center most insert of the paper - right behind the Big 5 Sporting Goods ad). The article actually came out yesterday, but I thought I could wait for the online version to get a good clean copy, since the print I picked up was pretty bad. Man, was I wrong.

I'd talked with the reporter last monday. The morning after I'd gotten back from Bangkok. He'd had no idea of my situation or that I'd been away. Colin had warned me that someone would be calling from the Daily News. Along with the L.A. Times, they're notorious for being very pushy with telemarketing subscriptions. I'd decided to pretend like he was tele-marketer when he called, and tell him I already had a subscription (the only answer that they don't have a comeback to), but we got a bad connection and it ruined the whole effect.

I did manage to get Sow's name in the article, but Ray's only mention was, "This past October, the couple had a baby boy." Well, it's a mention at least. Gotta see if I can get him into Flushed Away.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Play hard, sleep hard. I like how he looks like he was trying to pretend he wasn't asleep and rested his head on his fist, then toppled over.

I pulled this same maneuver on saturday when I went to the movies. I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep and was startled awake by a ringing phone in the movie. Scared the crap out of me, and I in turn scared about 15 people around me. Ooops...

Monday, March 20, 2006


There goes that monkey pose again. I guess I just bring it out in him?

Sunday, March 19, 2006

World Premiere of "Bangkok"

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days... week? Not quite. I've been busy with work, and as I mentioned before we got Bangkok into Method Fest 2006, which is less than two weeks from now, so I've been very busy with that too.

Tickets are now available at Hurry while they're still available!

And if you're on, make yourself a friend of Bangkok The Movie and also our page in the film section. Keep an eye here for a new teaser this week.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Foot In Mouth

Ray's really digging on getting his foot in his mouth. It's his favorite pass time right now.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Back Again, Again

I won't even get into how much I hate LAX, but thank you Jerry for picking me up. I'd rather post one more pick of Ray before I head back into work tomorrow morning.

It's going to be another 6-7 weeks before I can make it back again. There's a slight chance it'll be sooner, but I'm not holding my breath on it. I had a lot of fun seeing Sow and Ray. Ray's developed so much more personality, and I got to perfect my baby bathing skills and my now patented make the baby go to sleep maneuver.

We did receive an email from the lawyer saturday morning saying they'd received packet 3 that day. This is the things we've been waiting for. At least I think it is. Saturday morning for us is after work friday evening in California, so I wasn't able to find out if the packet also contained the much anticipated interview date. I'd like to think they would have mentioned it in the email, but I'd like more that it's listed there and they just forgot. Should know more tomorrow I hope.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Hypnotic Ray

Friday, March 10, 2006

I See Everything

When you have a fairly newborn baby, people love coming up and telling you all kinds of crap to try and get you down. All kinds of crap about how to feed them and put them to sleep. Then they try and tell you that the baby doesn't really know you, can't hear, can't taste or smell. "Oh, you know they can't really see yet!" Well to all you @ssh*les with all the great advice, you can shut the hell up now.

Ray's been able to see pretty well for quite a while now. You can even go back to Oct 5th, and check out the video of him about 15 min old as he watches and follows me with his eyes. Ok, I understand there are points where young babies come in and out of doing extraordinary things like looking at you, speaking the miraculously clear word or phrase, or lifting a burning vehicle off of their mother's unconscious body, but he's shown honest to goodness interest in things he sees. Like I said, he's been doing it for a while, but the last few days he's been looking only at things far from him. Finding interest in all things distant. Especially if those things aren't mom and dad. The picture to the left is Ray checking out all the fish in the massive tank at the mall. He could probably stand, er, have us stand, there for hours. Usually when we ride in the red car, he just falls asleep, but lately he can't help but check out all the cool stuff passing by. He even gets angry if Sow covers him to keep him out of the sun. "I need to see, mommy!" Ok, it actually sounds more like a high pitched squeal, but we get the idea pretty quick.

I get the idea he sees and hears more than we even think. Boy, we gotta get that kid his own room soon!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Perfect Pitch

I'm amazed at how well tuned in to Ray's voice I've become. I can have the tv on with some program that has screaming babies, have an actual screaming baby one house over, and numerous high-pitched kids running about out front, and still be able to distinguish Ray letting out the start of a whimper in the other room with the door closed.

When he hits his high tone it puts those other kids to shame. For Thai to be described as such a lyrical language, those other kids sure do sound like some rough vocal cords compared to Ray's piercing decibels. It's kinda nice to be able to subconsciously pick him out from the cacophony of babies around here without having to rush into the other room every five minutes. I'm sure that must be how I initially developed the ability though. Either way, that kid's got some pipes on him.

I did happen to get some good video of him talking & giggling the other day though. I'll try and get that up later. Probably next week sometime.

Bangkok in the Methodfest Line-up

So last thursday I totally flaked on the reception for Methodfest. Instead I chose (i.e. forgot) to stay home and pack for my trip. And yes, there may have been some World of Warcraft involved.

Colin, Daniel, and Ilya did in fact make it though and they said they had a swell time. Michael Madsen presented David Carradine with the 2006 Maverick award for his outstanding contribution to cinema and his versatility as an actor, producer, director, writer, editor, composer, and heck, for just driving out to Calabasas. Apparently the milk jug baseball toss and the mini-eclairs were quite a draw too. Ilya was a little upset that they didn't have any Thai whiskey at the bar (i.e. Rum). However, he did manage to make David Carradine feel "totally old" by mentioning how he and his little brother used to watch Kung-Fu every day when they were little.

But enough of that. Methodfest has announced their line-up and we're like the 3rd film mentioned. Snuggled up against such names as Gina Gershon, Chaz Palminteri, Michael Rapaport, D.B. Sweeney, & Ed Harris. Out of 723 feature films submitted, we were one of 22 selected for the festival. There are either a whole lot of bad films out there, or we were just the only ones free that weekend?

Here's what Methodfest has to say about the festival:

Named after a famous school of acting, The Method Fest is the only major film festival in the U.S. focusing on acting, celebrating breakout acting performances in story driven independent films. The Method Fest takes great pride in being a discovery festival, looking to help launch the works of young fresh filmmakers and to discover breakthrough performances by young, bold new actors. The festival has also taken great delight in sharing career-defining performances of established performers and in showcasing a few chosen well-known directors to screen at the festival.

I'm so quitting my day job in the movie business...

Bangkok will be screening Saturday April 1st, 4:30pm at Carlson Family Theatre, Viewpoint School, 23620 Mulholland Hwy., Calabasas, CA 91302. Tickets will be available thru in about a week. I'll post again, when I have more info. Note that you've been warned. Save the date.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Thaksin in Chiang Mai?

Today I rode up along the road towards Doi Suthep. About half way there I passes a small convoy. Too small to really be anyone important, but maybe they were trying to not draw any attention. The fact that the first car was the only blaring it's horn and flashing lights as it neared every corner sure seemed to support that idea. Maybe it was silly for me to immediately think of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, but I only know of so many politicians from Chiang Mai. People here really don't like him right now. Maybe it's the quiet selling of his family's wireless company in Singapore to evade billions in taxes, or one of the other numerous current scandals plaguing his campaign. I feel sorry for him, he's just taking cues from US.

Anyhow, as the first SUV went screeching by with it's lights-a-flashin', I made a mental note to try and look thru the tinted windows of the second SUV to see none other than PM Thaksin. Wearing a French Beret and sitting confidently in the passenger seat. With my quick reflexes I was able to pull out my Canon Elph, click it on, set the correct speed, and snap this pick of the Prime Minister. At least I think it was him. Roll over photo for a reference image of him.

*note - If you happen to be in Studio City dining at a Thai restaurant and bring up the subject of Thai politics, be sure to squint real hard and pronounce it Taksin or they'll stare at you blankly. Weird, if I bring it up here they all say Thaksin...?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Right before I left last time, Sow and I had discovered a little area just north of the main city that sells mostly orchids. We walked around there for hours checking everything out. Later we talked to the handy man around here about building a little shaded bamboo overhang in front of our place. We didn't let that stop us from getting a couple orchids at the flower festival.

The overhang was built the week after I left, and two lonely orchids were placed in the shade beneath it. Today we made it back to the flower market and picked up about $20 worth of orchids. What's that look like in Thailand? Well, pretty much most of the above photo including two larger pots just below the lower left. Dude, that's gotta be like $500 worth of flowers in LA!? I'm so setting up an orchid farm when I get back. Harry, sorry, but I'm building the greenhouse right where your dog house is now...

I took one of the little chairs Daniel got me for Christmas and put it out front. I'm about to go hang out there and read my book. I'm having flashbacks to the first time I went to Maui. I stayed with my friend jennifer and no one in her house would wake up as early as me, being 3 hours ahead and all. I'd go out in the morning, sit on the porch, read my book, and drink POG. I remember the weird thing at the time was I was reading the last book in The Keep series. The first morning I sat down to read, the book had two characters traveling to Maui to deal with someone atop Haleakala crater, the volcano that I'd just learned the day before which was responsible for forming the island of Maui. Surreal. I wonder if I go sit out front right now, will my current Dick Francis novel have a section taking place in Chaing Mai?

Monday, March 06, 2006

Oh Happy Day!

Someone was a little happy to see me return. I'm talking about Sow. Ray's just silly from Sow hitting his head against the ceiling upon my return. He's alright though and I think the smile has stuck.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

5 months!

I'm sure this will sound like I'm exaggerating, but I swear I wasn't back 30 secs before I was playing on the bed with Ray and already changing his diaper. Nothing like getting right to the heart of the matter. Great to be back. And on Ray's 5th month too!

It's been three and a half weeks since I've seen him, and wow, has he changed. I'm so glad I had this chance to come back. It'll be 6-7 weeks before I have another chance to come. I can't imagine how different he'll be by then. I better get him all those Encyclopedia Brown books so he'll have something to read before I get back.

Check out these mad skillz he's picking up. He's got wheels and that little rollie ball thing. I also brought him some new cloths and a couple toys. Unfortunately it's too hot here now for most of what I got him, but they're big enough he can wear them when we get stateside.

Now for a little sleepy sleep...


Hey, I just wanted to throw a shout out here. A good friend of mine drove me to the airport friday night. Keeping me from having to wade thru traffic and worry about airport parking. Even got a Johnny Rockets burger on the way there.

Anyhow, I'm having this guy drive me every time from now on. He's got some great freeway karma or something. I've never seen the 405 so clear during rush hour!? Thanks man!

Last Stop Chiang Mai

I didn't get a chance to write before I left. I thought they'd have an interenet kiosk in the lounge at LAX, but no go. Why is the US so far behind on this stuff? Anyhow, here I am in Bangkok waiting for my flight to Chiang Mai and sitting at a free interenet kiosk in the Thai Air Royal Orchid lounge.

I just talked to Sow & Ray on the phone. I can't wait to get there. My flight's already been delayed 40 min, so I guess I'll have to wait just that little extra bit. Check this out. I got off the phone with Sow and heard this weird clinking noise as I walked away. I turned back and the pay phone was dropping out my leftover change!? Don't see that stateside either...