Happy Birthday Sow & Rick!

Yep, another set of birthday greetings. The very last of the year actually. For Sow my lovely wife and for Rick my lovely, uh well, who, seeing he's in a different time zone, really caps the year to an end.
There's an odd set of events that circle around these two. We always joke about how fertile Rick is. Anyone getting pregnant within 1000 yards of him automatically makes him a suspect. Let's chalk one up for Sow being 8000 miles away! It was actually Rick's son Evan that came up with calling me Ray-Ray. Aaron was just too difficult for him at first. When I met Sow, she had a similar problem with it. She asked if I had a nickname (everyone in Thailand has a nickname). I told her to call me Ray. Flash forward a year and we're kicking around names for UNSUB #1. Let's combine our names, and there you go, a baby was named.

For Sow's Birthday, I got her this knitting / weaving set we'd seen a number of times at the mall. They've had a little workshop setup thru the holidays and I was worried they'd close up by about this time so I gave it to her early. She's been banging out scarves for the last few days. All the threads they have are really cool. Everything she's made looks like something out of an expensive boutique. She's actually knitting herself a new purse as I write this.
Rick has since been fitted with some sort of sneeze guard or other, keeping innocent women from harm. He may have been born on the last day of the 60's, but he'll always be 80's-man to me. Think 80's --> Think Rick. Think Miami Vice --> Think Rick. Think Spandau Ballet... (*you get the idea)
Just think. next year we'll be celebrating all these together!