Sounds worse than it is...

I guess on saturday Ray started to get a little cough. Just a couple times here and there. Then yesterday when I got here I noticed it too. But just a little, and slept thru the rest of the day. This morning he felt a little hot so we took him over to Chiang Mai Ram, the same hospital he was born at. Figured we'd get a little check up, some medicine for his cough, and go get some breakfast. Boy were we surprised when the doctor had us get an x-ray and confirmed that he had a slight case of pneumonia!?
Anyhow, he suggested two ways to treat him. Stay in the hospital for about three days and get proper care, or take him home and feed him pills then bring him back in three days if that didn't work. It's a pretty cheap stay, so we've gone with the hospital. We're actually two rooms over from when Ray was born. All the nurses are excited to see him and help out if we need anything.
He's doing good, he slept for a good part of the morning, but he's been very playful other than that, and his fever seems to have gone away. I've just layed him down for the night. We fell asleep on the bed together. Not a bad way to end the day. Look at that happy little mug.
He's just worken up now. And hes talking to me and smiling when I look up from typing this.
That there boy ain't lookin sick! He needs to get back to finding Gold and Tim and catching Fish in the World of Warcraft! That'll clear those manly lungs of his!
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