Perfect Pitch

I'm amazed at how well tuned in to Ray's voice I've become. I can have the tv on with some program that has screaming babies, have an actual screaming baby one house over, and numerous high-pitched kids running about out front, and still be able to distinguish Ray letting out the start of a whimper in the other room with the door closed.

I did happen to get some good video of him talking & giggling the other day though. I'll try and get that up later. Probably next week sometime.
That picture is so cute!!! I love it! I'm sure Ray & Sow are soooo happy your back there for a little bit!!! Where did you get those braclets for Ray? Is that a tradition? Where do you buy them?
They're tiny gold braceltets. There's a store on just about every corner. I don't know if they're exactly traditional, but most Thai people say it's lucky for the baby. Come to think of it, it was the people at the gold shop that told us that!?
We got one for Ray when he was born, and when I came back I found that Sow had got him one for his other wrist.
Golden handcuffs already? ;)
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