5 months!

I'm sure this will sound like I'm exaggerating, but I swear I wasn't back 30 secs before I was playing on the bed with Ray and already changing his diaper. Nothing like getting right to the heart of the matter. Great to be back. And on Ray's 5th month too!
It's been three and a half weeks since I've seen him, and wow, has he changed. I'm so glad I had this chance to come back. It'll be 6-7 weeks before I have another chance to come. I can't imagine how different he'll be by then. I better get him all those Encyclopedia Brown books so he'll have something to read before I get back.
Check out these mad skillz he's picking up. He's got wheels and that little rollie ball thing. I also brought him some new cloths and a couple toys. Unfortunately it's too hot here now for most of what I got him, but they're big enough he can wear them when we get stateside.
Now for a little sleepy sleep...
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