Happy Valentine's Day everybody!

Today was a little tough for me. If there's a day that's really going to strike home how long this whole thing is going to feel, it's the day where everyone gets to bring their Valentine to work. And their kids to boot. I wish I'd known about it in advance, maybe I could have talked Jeffrey into sending his personal jet to pick up Sow & Ray and fly them here. You know, just for lunch, or maybe the whole day. There's a lot to see right now. Lots of work being done, and the ducks have returned to the studio. I've only spotted 3 so far, two males and one female, all mallards. I'm sure there are more down near the wash. They return every year and lay their eggs in the oversized flower pots and in the bushes.
Last year it seemed to take forever. They'd returned right around the time I found out that Sow was pregnant. I remember watching them in the pond when I confided in my friend Gina that I was going to be a daddy. It's wild to think that was a year ago, but fitting to see them rekindle their romance on Valentine's Day.
Today would also be my Grandmother's birthday and my
grandparent's wedding anniversary. They've both passed away in the last few years. I wish they could have been around to meet Ray & Sow. I know they'd have loved them both.

I believe this photo is from right after they'd been married.
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