Form DS 230: A New Hope

Well it's nothing set in stone. I kept telling Sow yesterday that our immigration packet 3 was coming today (meaning yesterday). I'm kinda magical that way. But alas, we received no mail... in our outside box at least. This morning I woke up to 14 new emails!
5 were junk mail...
3 were from family...
3 from friends...
...and 3 were from our immigration lawyer!
Three new forms to fill out. Forms DS 230, DS 230 II Part Duex, and Form I-864 (I think that one is the new Apple Quicktime codec). This all sounds so exciting don't it? They all looked like things we'd filled out multiple times before, so inserting the correct information and sending them back only took about 45 min! I believe this officially starts the proceedings into the home stretch, which could still take a long time, but is now imminent. So does that make Sow the "imminent immigrant"? It comes as great news as I prepare to head back to LA.
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