Assorted Smiles, Giggles, and Laughs

If you ever get around to having a baby, I'm sure you'll discover this. There's good and there's bad. And when it gets bad, it gets real bad. If you're good, you can laugh it off long enough to get things better. That's assuming you're in a stellar mood all the time to begin with. And if you have a baby, that's probably not the case since you're bound to be a bit tired. Who knows what small thing it was that set him off this time? Wet diaper? Dropped his binky? Feels there's altogether something wrong in the universe? Who knows. One thing's for sure, he is going to make you feel like it's all your fault. But once that little smile creeps back in, it all just washes away...
Maybe next week, I'll do the screaming video?
Click the image for video. - *You'll need Quicktime 7 to play.
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