Margot & Jake

Wow! Hollywood's done wonders for my dad. He's looking younger than ever. Must be that LA weather.
Ok, I'm no Star-F*cker, but that's actually Jake Gyllenhall. He's so lucky to be standing next to Margot, cause this really isn't that kind of blog. Jake heard Margot had dumped that Smith Jared guy from Sex & The City, and tried to just swoop on in. Anyhow, he begged Margot to pose with him in hope of making the front page of again. Good plan my man.
They say you're always attracted to people that remind you of your parents, even people who subconsciously remind you of your parents. I'm not sure what they say about people who portray one of your parents in a major motion picture, but I'd say the chances are pretty good.
Jake's actually years younger than me. Do you think he'll get weirded out if I call him "dad"?
Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Who's your daddy?"
Well, I wasn't gonna say it.
Weird! But in a cool way.
Aaron... we just sent you the same pic! Your dad's at my house now and we decided to check the blog for updates on our lil' grandson.... and what do we see???? The same pic of your beautiful sister and an unidentified dazzler...
Love Melanie & dad
You got a nice sister, man. You can call me "Daddy" if you want, she does.
So does Heath, come to think of it.
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