Day For Night Safari

This morning it was nice and overcast so we decided to go check out the Chaing Mai Night Safari. Yes, in-the-day-time! Of course the sun came out right as we got there.

It's still under construction, so admission is free until Feb 1st, but it means some things aren't ready yet. Like the 5 restaurants, so we didn't get a chance to see if flamingo tastes like chicken, or if giraffe tastes like horse. Sorry guys.
We only got to see the smaller pedestrian part of the zoo, which was well worth the price of admission, even if it was free. This part included a lake surrounded by a series of walkways which looked out to three small islands with two different types of gibbons. Along the shore were swans and flamingos. As it wrapped about the far side there were hippo and tortoise pens, as well as assorted leopards and other large cats. There were one set that looked like slightly oversized house cats. Striped and prowling, but fairly convincing that they might be domesticated. Until of course I bring one home and all the neighborhood cats start disappearing (*You know the one I'm talking about dad).

"I do love monkeys."

They called to each other across the water.
Really cool sounds. Next time I'll have to record it.

One of the 5 yet to open restaurants.
Can't wait to try me some gibbon!

"You love monkeys?"

I'm sure I'll head back one evening. There's a tram ride that starts around 6:30 in the evening that covers the majority of the park, which stretches up into the hills behind.

Can you bring me home a Gibbon? Alive and kicking preferably. I am missing the ones I was friends with at the Sac Zoo.
He may have a wooden leg by the time I we get back. A monkey that good, you don't eat all in one sitting.
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