Construct This!

I was just telling someone about how the Thais use bamboo regularly on their construction sites. Now look closely. See the guy on the top of the ladder? Just what is that it's leaning up against? Yep, that's be the telephone lines! And that's an official TOT telephone repairman. No wonder my DSL is so spotty!? Check out the guy underneath for support. Seconds later he pulls out a cigarette and lights it. And yes, with two hands.

Usually what I see is more like this. Used for billboards and construction scaffolding. Some of these actually appear to be more solid than the typical metal ones you see in the states. They don't sway or rattle at all. You just see these guys shimmy up and do their work. Sometimes three or four stories up.
In fact if you look closely you can see a 4 story scaffold in the background of the top photo.
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