Abandon Your Baby Day

Well, god bless Sow's mom. She's come to visit once again, allowing us to have a day out to ourselves. We'd joked about splitting right when she got in at 6:00 am, but I was having lots of weird dreams last night. Dreams where I'm actually trying to sleep in the dream, and somehow it managed to make me feel rather tired instead, and ended up sleeping in after all.
But promptly at 10:15 we defiantly strode out, hugging, kissing and goo-goo-ing our little boy only a few hundred times, and began a day of people asking us "Where's your baby?" We went and had breakfast out and got to sit side-by-side. We got to get haircuts at the same time. And then we got to ride out on the scooter to the Chiang Mai Night Safari to get free tickets for this evening's tram ride. A late lunch out at Yum Saap. Home to rest and get a fresh refill of our little cherub. Then back out near sunset for our tram tour of the Night Safari...

So we finally get to see the much talked about Chiang Mai Night Safari... at night! Apparently they've flown in the guys that do the Disneyland Jungle Cruise ride. I can only speculate since the whole thing was in Thai, but everyone was cracking up. I particularly liked the part where the tram stalls out and the mechanical great white shark pops up along side in the water. The parting of the red sea and the Bionic Man avalanche tunnel were also quite amazing, not to mention the t-rex that breaks thru the fence and eats all of the passengers in the first 3 rows. Now if they just had some more nocturnal animals on the tour it'd be great, er, better. I mean the night otter, the night elephant, the night vulture, and the night flamingo all made a nice turnout, but on a night safari I'd hope to see animals prowling around. Maybe it's good they didn't do too much with it I guess. It could be more exciting. The trams had a nice plexi-glass ceiling for the tigers and leopards to lay on, but also the poor misfortune of being, well, a tram, and open on both sides.

Don't get me wrong, I did in fact enjoy the Chiang Mai Night Safari. It could be much better, and I imagine it will if they ever get things finished. About a third of the pens we passed still had bulldozers and other heavy machinery in them instead of exotic wildlife. They're trying to get everything ready for a february 1st opening. They have a lot to do, and the workers aren't nocturnal so I guess they're kinda screwed.
From there we raced out for dinner and then back home to see our little boy, who apparently also has lost most of his nocturnal qualities.

*Sow's decided she wants to get a monkey. I've been lobbying for one for ages while she's poo-poo'd my efforts. Then she sees a cute little squirrel monkey at the zoo and it's all, "Can we get one!? They're so cute!"
Pet monkey! Yay! Just remember that Paris Hilton's bit her, so be careful.
Yes, but I'm no heiress tramp. Well, maybe just a little bit.
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