It's My Birthday, It's My Birthday!

Another quiet day. Kinda nice actually. It finally started raining here last night, so we kept it relaxed. I lied in bed this morning, listened to the rain, and thought about where I wanted to go for my birthday. Hmmm... staying in bed doesn't sound like such a bad idea. I started thinking about where to go for dinner. And I realized I'd much rather get something I enjoy than some crap shoot on my birthday. I'll try one of those other places another night.
Usually we can get Ray smiling and laughing after he eats in the morning. Today he started off by playing coy with me. Like he knew it was my birthday or something!? Why you little...!?

We took him to breakfast, but he wasn't having any of it. Snores-ville. We made it back home, and finally he started to thaw out...

We ended up at Yum Saap after all. They specialize in spicy papaya salad. There's a spicy mango salad with fish that I love. I get it every time we go there.
We'll things are winding down. We played with Ray and watched a scary movie. Ray didn't mind, but Sow had her eyes covered thru half of it. One of the best things about being in Thailand is that my birthday lasts an extra 15 hours. The emails are really starting to roll in right now!
Happy Birthday!!!
To Me!!!
To Me!!!
Correction: Actually the first thing that went thru my head this morning was, "I'm 35. Half way there." Dang! Then I started thinking about what I wanted to eat.
Happy B'Day, brother!
35 is a very Big time in your life now. Not something to be taken lightly! Many great and wonderful things were accomplished by people when they turned 35.
Jim Lovell
At 35 the Apollo 13 astronaut did some cool stuff.
Leif Ericsson
At 35 first came to Greenland and then wrote of his discovery of Vinland.
Jane Goodall
At 35 she saw some chimps in Gombe.
Galileo Galilee
At 35 Galileo's instruments he used his laboratory were State of the Art.
Marie Curie
At 35 was the discoverer of radium and was considered a "babe," by most guys.
Christopher Columbus
At 35 his life and voyages, are just beginning. Later directed "Rent" as a film.
Jackie Robinson
At 35 was the first African American to play major league baseball and get a huge sponsorship deal.
Henry Ford
At 35 designed his first car, a Mustang convertable in a shed behind his house.
Albert Einstein
At 35 worked on the equation that he would work on for the rest of his life.
Abraham Lincoln
At 35 Lincoln became a lover of theatre.
Good thing you are married and got a kid, though... Sex After 35
Happy B'Day! This is YOUR year!
Happy Birthday Aaron! Welcome to the 35 Club! : )
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