Happy Birthday Lesley!

This is my cousin Lesley. That's her at her wedding this summer. Behind her new husband Kevin, laughing after smearing wedding cake all over the left side of his face. You can see her better if you roll over the image.
She also shares my birthday, only she's a good deal younger than me. Just before my ninth birthday, my brother and I drove down to San Luis Obispo with our grandparents to spend Christmas with my uncle Larry, Janice & Boomer. I didn't realize janice was pregnant at the time. I remember waking up in the morning. All excited because it was my birthday. Let the presents begin! But what I found was that they'd left in the night to have a baby. Later I asked my uncle where my birthday present was and he pointed at Lesley. I was quite disappointed. But with time she's turned out to be one of my better gifts. She's grown up to be one of Rayluk's biggest fans.
Happy Birthday!!!
Ahhh WOW I'm featured on your blog lol Happy Birthday to you too!!!! Even though I'm sure its the 27th over there right now! It's still the 26th over here!!! Hope you had a good time! Can't wait to see you guys when you get back, Rayluk is getting soooo cute with his little features and all! Give everybody big hugs & kisses for me!! Tell Sow to do the same to you for me :)
Love, Lesley
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY AARON! I love reading your blog and seeing all of the adorable pictures of Ray and Sow - can't wait to meet them! Your comments about Lesley made me cry! You're married to the sweetest guy in the entire world (but I'm sure you already know that!) I'm surprised that you didn't know I was pregnant, but I guess you were just a little tyke and weren't concerned about such things! I just remember the precious card you drew for me and your new little cousin. I think I still have it somewhere :)
Take care and hope to see you soon!
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