A Christmas Story

I really wanted to show Sow A Christmas Story today. I looked around at a few rental places and couldn't find it, or my back up, Planes Trains & Automobiles. I figured it must be playing on cable so I poked thru the book. We have one dedicated movie channel that plays movies in english. Here's a few of the classic holiday hits they had lined up:
Analyze That
Italian Job
Dare Devil
Terminator 3
The Matrix Reloaded
X-Men 2
The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King
The Rundown
Copy Cat
Boys Don't Cry
Italian Job
Dare Devil
Terminator 3
The Matrix Reloaded
X-Men 2
The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King
The Rundown
Copy Cat
Boys Don't Cry
Mmmm... mmm... Quality holiday cinema right there.
Can't find it in the store? There's always BitTorrent baby!
Wow, holidays in Thailand are stange, huh? I can see watching Lord of the Rings, but Boys Don't Cry? Interesting!
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