Pimp My Ride

Last night we'd planned on running out to the mall for Japanese food, A/C, and to look for a baby stroller. By the time we'd finished feeding, changing diapers, and dressing Ray, it was a little late and a little too cold to take Ray out on the Scooter. *Just kidding mom. It wasn't that cold. So instead, we went today after my thai class. Making much better use of our free A/C hours.

We had a great time hanging out. I think the combination of the cacophony of noises, the slight wobble and jiggle of being pushed in the stroller, and possibly his flirting with all the thai girls that made it such a wonderful afternoon for us all.
Oh, and Sow enjoyed the movie!

Shopping for a new ride.

Abandoning you husband and baby for two hours
of the best lukewarm sequel you've ever seen.

Breaking in a new stroller & sleeping thru lunch.

Marking your new territory with a little drool.
Good for Sow getting out to a movie. That was nice of you and Rayluk to let her go.
Thai girls and Ladyboys LOVE Antonio Banderas!
Yes, but shouldn't they all be lovin' "The World Famous Jerry Lentz"!? Get a goddamn podcast goin' man!!!
-Steve (oh wait, it already says aaron, doh!)
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