I look at these and I think how good they're going to look about 17 years from now in Ray's high school year book. There are so many too pick from, but I hope they don't recognize him from making this face on his school desk!?

The heats come back to Chiang Mai. It keeps teasing like it's going to give us some nice cool and overcast days, but they disappear quickly and heat up even faster. It's starting to cool off in the evenings at least. Sow's warning me that I'll need to bundle up soon. I'm not quite sure what she's talking about. I was here last xmas and I only felt cold once. I did see somem big old bulky down filled North Face jackets for sale at the mall the other day though!? So I guess somebody feels a little cool this season. For now, Sow & Ray will have to make due with the the cool tile floors and our trusty 3-speed fan to keep back the heat. Oh yeah, we have that A/C thing too, but that's only in the bedroom.
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