My Dog Ate My Blog Post
Well it finally happened. I missed writing a post yesterday. You could ask what my excuse is, but you probably don't want to.
I tried a new thai dish for lunch yesterday. It was really good. Spicy. But not really hot, just tasty. It only made the center of my tongue hot, so the rest of it was free to taste all the flavors. About halfway thru, Sow pointed out some long dark green looking vegetables in my bowl. Thai people commonly eat those to help with constipation she said. This is where the trouble began. But you probably already knew that.
I didn't think much of it at the time. Nor for the rest of the day. It was just delicious.
Somewhere around 10:00pm I started feeling a little uncomfortable. I was a bit too tired to write anything and somewhere in there I drifted off to sleep at an odd angle to the bed. I had a series of weird and frightening dreams, broken only by the need to scurry off to the bathroom, only to return and have another nightmare. But you probably didn't need to hear that.
Needless to say, I'm crossing that one off the list. If I lose more weight, do you think I'll be having any flashbacks later on?
So I had all afternoon to write something you say. I ate lunch at 2:00pm and had a full 8 hours to write something. What happened to all that time you ask?
Just a lazy old sunday. Am I just lazy you ask? But you probably don't need to. I mean, why do now what I can put off till 7:00am PST?

It was extremely hot out yesterday. And it wasn't the usual, "It's not really that hot out, it's just the humidity." This was hot, hot, scorcher, hot out! I grabbed Ray. I grabbed my laptop. Headed for the bedroom. Flicked on the A/C. Calculatingly stripped down to my boxers. And splayed myself out on the bed.
Ray and I hung out there most of the day. Until I ran out and grabbed dinner for us. It was nice. It was cool. It's a retreat of solitude I don't usually resort to. I might start making a habit of it now. In fact I'm writing this from that same fortress of cool right now. I've just rocked Ray to sleep in my arms. Sow seems to have drifted off too. Probably from watching my hypnotic dance of the sleeping baby.

Does this answer your inquiries? Does this address all your concerns? I could ask if this is a solid excuse. But you've probably already passed judgment.
Let's just blame it on the dog.

We're all allowed a break from time to time! I had a few naps this weekend myself, trying to recover from last week.
We had some good food at our favorite Thai restaurant, Ruen Pair, at 3am on Saturday/Sunday. We'll have to get your and Sow's opinion of the place sometime.
Seriously, How can Raygun surf the web with those mittens on? I tried typing with my socks on just to see... It's friggin' impossible!
He doesn't use his hands at all. We have a wooden dowel attached to his binky and he types with that.
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