More Pics From A Mall Near You

Got some more pics of Ray resting up while hanging out at the mall the other day.

I haven't had a coffee since I've been here. That's over two months now. Maybe that explains why Sow & I have never set foot in a Black Canyon Coffee before, let alone known they served some kick-ass food. They also had some nice looking coffee desert drinks, the Mocha Glacier, and iced mocha blended with espresso beans and a scoop of espresso ice cream on top. Also, the Blackpaccino, I didn't quite get past the name on this one to see what's in it, but I'm guessing it's either cappacino or Al Pacino!?

It looks like Sow is hanging out at Roman's in that one pic, dosen't it?
Have you noticed the breasts getting bigger? What about Sow's?
Yay for sleeping babies!
Dude, I'm not even in the picture!?
Does look like Roman's though. Only the food here is awesome!
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