Tonight was the start of
Loi Krathong. It begins on the day of the first full moon of the 12th lunar month. November to you and me. It lasts a few days. People have been shooting off fire works for weeks.

During the two main nights, everything revolves around the river. The first night is for the Krathongs. Little floats made of banana leaves with orchid flowers, candles, incense, and a small amount of money. Some add a few fire works to theirs. Usually just sparklers, because you want it to float as long as the candle is lit. If it sinks before this it's bad luck. No one's supposed to touch the krathong until the candle burns out. Then only small children are allowed to sit down stream and collect all the money. Good luck for them I suppose.

We'd been planning on celebrating with Rayluk since before he was born. We'd even bought the little jacket he wore tonight before then too. There were a lot of fireworks going off, so I put a little cotton in his ears. Somehow we ended up with a whole bag of cotton balls when we returned from the hospital six weeks ago. Go figure? He pretty much slept thru the entire event but it was nice to share our first festival together as a family.

The second night is even better as far as I'm concerned. So cool, that you see signs of soon before Loi Krathong until long after. Easily thru new years. It's when everyone releases the large paper lantern balloons. The sky is littered with them. Funny thing is, I've seen thousands of them in the air. I've only once seen one land after the fire has burned out.

Same thing goes with these on looking forward into the new year. If the balloon catches the air a lifts away, it's good luck. If it drops back down, gets hung up in a tree, or catches fire, it means you shouldn't count on a whole lot out of this coming year. We released one of each and they both travelled well.
P.S. - it's past 1:00 am, and they're still shooting off fire works in my neighborhood. Big, big, fireworks. You'd think they were gunshots if they weren't so loud.
On the other hand, they do seem to drown out the noise from the karaoke bars!
Wow! Happy November. Looks like fun and beautiful photos.
Yeah, great photos!!!
Halloween is my favorite holiday, but if I lived there, I think this would be my favorite! I guess it's the lil' pyro in me!
Did you see any of the kids getting money at the end? That's sounds like a good racket!
Yeah, Sow pointed them out. They were only abolut 50 ft. down stream.
Okay, I know now, how I want to live in Thailand... On that river with the cash floating around. Check the pics out on this site and you'll know my future!
Jerry's New House!
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