Jim Flora

Today I was digging around online for reference of one of my favorite artists, Jim Flora. I'd told a friend here about him, and wanted to show him what I was talking about. He was one of the first album cover designers ever. His Gene Krupa and Kid Ory covers are still two of my all time favorite album covers.

He did that until the mid-fifties when he got fed up here and moved his family to Mexico. While poking around for a good image I found a book that came out about him last year. The Mischievous Art of Jim Flora. I can't wait to get my hands on this one!

Flora's stuff is great. My parents had a nice record collection when I was lil', wish I had them now. I remember some Jazz records and my brothers tell me there was a Gene Krupa (I think Flora or someone like him did the cover) that would make me cry, so of course they played it over and over to amuse their friends.
I think as a kid his art scared me, like it had been created by a happy mad man, or drug fiend.
Once Robert Smith of The Cure was interviewed at a station where I worked and was asked if the song "Love Cats" was influenced by so and so...(?) And he said it was came to him after seeing the album "Mambo for Cats," in a used record store.
The DJ thought he meant the music on the record, but later he explained the artwork has cats jamming in a band and Smith wondered what would the cats do after finishing a gig? Would they go drink? Pick up the local Birds (ladies) and deflower them? And from that he made a little movie in his head and the song was the soundtrack.
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