Happy Birthday Margot!

This is my sister Margot. This is her hanging out with Jared. No, not the used to be a huge fat guy and ate a ton of Subway sandwiches Jared. Smith Jared, The Sex & The City off-Broadway actor turned supermodel Jared. All the girls think he's dreamy. I don't see it...
Today is Margot's birthday. She leads a busy life. Working hard all day. Holding down a second job three evenings a week. And topping the whole thing off by taking a Photoshop class in the other evenings. And still she finds time to hang out with Smith Jared!? With all that you'd think it would make her look a whole lot older. Guess not. You go girl.
Happy Birthday!!!
Can we see pics of Margot getting her diaper changed? Adult Diapers that is...
Is that wrong to ask?
IN-A-PRO-PRI-ATE Jerry.... ;)
Happy B-Day Margot!! I'll get you some Ben & Jerry's next time I see you!
Jerry, I thought you were all hung up on little Dakota Fanning!?
This is great! Aaron...what a guy you are!
PS: is beautiful Margot really with Smith Jared (?)... he's a lucky man. Aaron, he's OK looks -wise, but I know what you mean
signed: Margot's special pal
PS: Jerry is a jerk... but he knows that
You ain't anonymous! I am! I think Jerry is HOT!!! You're just jealous! He's no jerk, you are!
signed: Jerry's secret pal
Stay anonymous. You're a bigger baby than Rayluk.
Calm down ladies, there's plenty of me to go around... I was just kidding about Margot's drawers. No one wants to see that, I guess. I was trying to point out the imbalance of seeing lil' Raygun's baby-junk when you know Aaron's gonna be the kinda pop that snaps the pics of the kid's first date, first dance, first kiss, first... Oh you know...
How long is it going to be before Aaron teaches Ray to ask, "Hey, did I just sit in gum?"?
Right now, we're only up to, "Hey look! I just sat in mustard!"
Well actually there was an "I just sat in tar!" phase as well for about a week.
OK, Aaron, so you made a baby... but inasmuch as you don't "get" Jason Lewis, that's it. We're stamping str8 on your permanent file and closing all investigations.
Sorry it took so long, but there were always some hopeful holdouts on the committee.
- Doc
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