The Doctor Is IN

Today was a rough day for Rayluk. He had to come home take 2 baby aspirin, a cold compress and a milk bottle.

On the other hand his new measurements are in, and he's grown quite a bit. He's now at 4175 grams, up 1215 from a month ago. And he's gone from 51cm to 56cm in length.
Right now he's laying in my lap. It's hot out but the fan is blowing a gentle breeze over him. He's dreaming. I'm not sure of what, but it's making him giggle and smile. I like to picture him running thru the woods chasing a rabbit or an elk. Then thinking of something funny and laughing so hard milk comes out of his nose.
Just wait till next month when he gets four shots.
Aaron!!! Holy crap! I had no idea all this was going on with you!! Amazing! I just went to Lucha VaVoom last week too! It was AAAAmazing fun! Well, congrats on the baby and I'll check in on occasion to keep up with you! I read the whole thing, especially great since I didn't know you were over there. 'Bout time you added this to your website!
Poor little peanut! Those shots are so painful. It sounds like he's healthy though...feeding and growing! Good little Rayluk!
Hey Chris,
Great hearing from you. Send me your email, or I have your AIM, so maybe I'll catch you on there one day.
I used to check all thed time from Dreamworks (Gina Lawes turned me on to it), but when I got here I forgot the lionk and kept trying chasingthelight!? Good to have it straight now. You've always got the greatest pics on there.
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