I've been told to expect to change up to 10 diapers a day, but we never seem to hit that high of a margin.

On the other hand, we never expect to hit a margin of zero though. Ray went a full 24 hrs between yesterday and today. I gotta say, pret-ty rough. Nothin' coming out, so not much going in. A full belly, but still hungry. Little pangs in his abdomen disguising themselves as hunger. Usually a feeding can calm the most savage baby, Without that card... oh my god, I see where all the horror stories come from. Man I've never been so happy to change a diaper. Whew! What a change in attitude. Pretty funny seeing it happen in Sow's lap though.
Sorry honey...
Jesus! Am I talking about dirty diapers again!? Sorry guys, this blog is turning into a bad John Hughs film. I'd like to make up posts about going to the park and playing Candy Land™, but hey, this is what's going these days.
I think it's cute! And so is that baby!
I remember Rick saying after Evan would finish a feeding, if you jiggle him a bit, you an hear the milk in his belly slosh around.
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