Welcome Home Rayluk

Oh, hey... we're at home now. Settling in good. Rayluk's resting right now. Wrapped up like a little burrito. Lying in bed with his head on a little monkey faced pillow. Everything has a tail on it. Perfect for Chimptested.com offspring. I laugh every time I walk past him.

There's a baby crying. We all flinch to get up and run in the other room then realize it's just the tv. Everybody wants to help. We'll have even more tomorrow when Sow's father, older brother and little niece come to visit. I guess we'll be pulling out all his wardrobe to see what's worthy of our child.
...wow, it's almost 10:00pm. We've just put Rayluk down after his third feeding since we got home. Man am I tired. So much I'd like to write, but oh so so tired.
Welcome home! Lot of sleep deprivation ahead (so I hear). It's great that you and Sow will have some help. : )
You know, it's cute an all, but I'm not sure it's good to wrap a baby so tight like that. Last night I guess I was tossing and turning in sleep and I got all caught up in my blanket like Rayluk. Not as cute for me, but I did wet the bed. Sad really. Grown man all bundled up in my crib unable to reach out and play with my toys. Just plain sad.
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