Well there's actually no alcohol in this brand, but we found some Baby Gripe today. It's doing wonders for Rayluk's colic. He spent most of the day in an opiate induced haze. We're also trying to limit Sow's diet to see if there's anything she's eating that could be aggravating it. Chilies, garlic, and pepper are all pretty commonplace in thai food.

Last night we did pretty good with him. His colic was getting pretty rough in the evening, so we had him sleep in bed between us last night. I was up going over my notes for thai class until late. Sow was resting well. Every time I'd hear Rayluk start to whimper, or if I noticed the vein on his head start to bulge, I'd whisper in his ear very softly. "
Hi baby, we're here for you. Don't worry. It's alright. Just relax." He finally snapped out of it around 2:00am and then it was trouble getting him back to sleep after that.

Anyhow, he's sleeping fine right now. I'd like to thank Joanie Karnowski for bringing Baby Gripe Water to my attention years ago. When you used to mention babies she'd say, "Ew!" But She'd discovered that Baby Gripe Water was excellent for hangovers. Guess babies are good for something after all, eh, Joanie!?
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