So Happy I Could Burp!

Don't let his smilin' face fool you. Usually I try and grab a picture of him smiling, but it ends up a frown, or worse a scream. Anyhow, this time I was actually trying to catch him in a wide mouthed cry, and ended up with the Shakespearian comedy face. Heck, I'll take it where I can get it.
We found out today that he's got colic. I'm still reading up on it. It sounds like it can be so many different things that cause his abdomen to distend. All of which end up in crying. So far it looks like our defense is to keep him from swallowing air, get him to burp up the air he has, watch sow's diet of certain food, and if necessary, get some ear plugs to fall back on.
I think he'll be alright. We're catching this early. It hasn't gotten out of control, and now I know how to recognize the signs I've seen over the last few days. Rayluk asks that you send money. Preferably cash. It eases the pain. That's him, not me. Thanks!
You can also turn up the stereo real loud to drown it out! ;-)
Or possibly iPod earplugs...?
the eyes look like little ears :>
So does Rayluk have a PayPal account? Dad's email wasn't registered with Paypal...
Doc's RX is Sam Adam's, to bring up the gas.
Sam Adams? Does it have an elephant on the bottle? Evereythinfg here has a nd elephant on the bottle otherwise it's Heineken.
And so I have to ask again - are you with PayPal? Do you really need $$? Am I being a compassionate idiot? - Doc
Hairdryers, vacuum cleaners and clothes dryers sometimes work to calm a collicky baby. But, what do I know? All my "kids" have 4 legs and no colic.
Far be it from me to separate an idiot from his money... but in this case I'll make an exception. Except I haven't set up an account for him yet. You're just gonna have to come on by when we get back and bring some sort of house warming, wedding, baby shower type gift like everyone else!
But I'll look into that PayPal account if it'll make you feel better. :)
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