The Rest Of Our 48 Hours Of Floodom
2:06 pm
The water seems to be slowing down. It's been pretty much the same height for a few hours. Only a 1/2 inch to our porch now.
2:47 pm
Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored!!!
3:43 pm
Bathtub Boat

I heard an extrordinant amount of splashing outside. Two of the neighborhood kids had found an old bathtub and made a boat out of it. The woman across the way hollered at them until they went over and picked the garbage out of her bushes.
4:19 pm
Sow's gotten hungry... for something other than toast with jam. She's waded out into our kitchen area and retrieved the electric skillet, some plates, bowls, and utensils. Smells like it's going to be good!
6:03 pm
I Can Go An Hour
Sow told me I couldn't spend an entire hour not checking the water level. Well, I just did. I lied on the floor near the door where I'd be too low to look out and read my book, for an hour. I think maybe it's dropped a 1/4 inch! Only 100 or so more 1/4 inches to go!!
8:23 pm
Finally the water is dropping. Slowly, but over the last hour it's gone down about an inch. We're ahead of schedule!
10:14 am
I got up this morning all ready and excited that the water would be gone. No such luck. It's dropped a little less than a foot.
12:16 pm
I can see three of our front steps now. The lower one has a thin layer of water on in still.
5:06 pm
Finally made it to the internet cafe. Also gotta go pick up some more food for us. The area is still flooded, probably until late tonight, but it's low enough to drive thru now.
Congratulations Sow & Aaron! Your boy is so perfect! He's a cutie. I wish the 3 of you the very best.
I hope to see you when you come home to Cailf to show him off
love Melanie Graysmith
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