Metal Babies

Mark, Zak, Strephon, and I all met and worked at the art department of Tower Records in Berkeley. As long as I can remember he and Zak have designed shirts and talked about starting a clothing line. In the end, all it took was a small baby with a future of pastel colored clothing, and a pair of frustrated metal head parents searching for black baby wear.

Mark realized the only way he was going to get some rags cool enough for his kid to wear would be to design and print them himself. And right there was born. He's riffed logos from AC/DC, Motorhead, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Van Halen, Nazareth, Judas Priest, and licensed work from Twisted Sister, Dio, Exodus, Death Angel, and Testament. As well as many original designs.

I've just heard from Mark, congratulating us. He's sending us some cool stuff for the baby to wear. They're expecting their second baby, a little girl, any day now. Congrats back at you man!
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