I Seem To Have Lost A Button

Well, my little man's grown up a little in the world today. After much poking and prodding. After many baths and navel cleanings. And quite possibly after one too many diaper changes. Rayluk's little belly button nub has finally popped off.

What exactly is the etiquette with the belly nubbin? Is there something like the tooth fairy? Do I need to leave a quarter under his pillow? Or do we just add it to some trail mix and yogurt?

I know in some cultures, the placenta is eaten, but I don't know about the belly button thingy. I'm so happy to see little Rayluk on his tummy...that's just me being a P.T. dork.
Yes, the downward dog position seems to be good for his gas too. Maybe we should top it of by letting him eat the nubbin. I hear they're the best antacid. Or at least best on a Ritz!
The belly button junk is often deep fried and eaten in many weird places in the world. Some places mix it with a nut paste, spread on bread with jelly... Called, "Peanut Button and Jelly Sandwich."
Some odd backward places like Thailand caramelize it with honey and bat's blood making it a tasty jerky-like snack to gnaw on while perusing the sex district.
You can find them sometimes being sold at Farmer's Markets. Many people eat the buttons during Lent!
Belly Button Lentz?
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