Going Home Today

We spent an extra night at the hospital too give Sow a little more time to rest. After 3 nights, she decided she didn't like her posturepedic hospital bed, and decided to sleep on the flat hard couch I'd been using. She slept like an angel. In the little fits of sleep I got, I discovered that, indeed the bed was better flat, and that the large terry-cloth like blanket was actually meant to go below you. Otherwise it traps in the heat and moisture. I slept like a large sweaty angel who'd had too much caffeine before climbing in bed. I haven't a had a cup of coffee in six and a half weeks.

This is the view from our room. Looking west toward Doi Suthep. It's the small yellow dot just above and to the left of the slightly larger red dot near center. Ok, so I made the image too small. Anyhow, the sunsets were amazing. Unfortunately, I could only capture just after sunset each night since we had to finish with Rayluk's 5:00pm feeding beforehand.

Rayluk and I did get to spend some quality time together this morning. Just me and him, bottle and diaper. Mom got to catch up on sleep.
It's nice that they don't rush you out of the hospital like they do here in the States.
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