Sunday, October 02, 2005


Actually wrote this before the flooding. So he's here now. He arrived this morning bright and early after a 13 hour bus ride.

Sow's brother Duk (pronounced Duke) is coming to visit us in a few days. He's got some time off from school. Hope there's someone to meet him at the station. We might be in the middle of having a baby?

Duk's only been to Chiang Mai once before. He really liked it. It's so much faster paced than where he's from. His mom gave him 100 baht a day to get by on. That's about $2.50. He discovered that he really likes video games, but that 100 baht doesn't go very far in tokens. Let alone 20 baht for the red car to the mall. Duk's a good talker I guess, because he became fast friends with the guy at the arcade and got all his games for free. Leaving him 60 baht for lunch and miscellaneous expenses.

Right before I got back they opened an internet shop at the end of our block. The hours say 9:00-24:00, but they only ever seem to open up after school gets out, and then it's packed with the local kids playing video games. Duk's going to be so relieved to save 40 baht on red car rides.

I'm thinking of helping him out this time. No, he can't play games on my laptop. But if he changes a few baby diapers for his nephew...


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