All Your Cards And Letters

Such nice stuff. People offering up their wives and kids to us. Compliments from some people that swear new babies are never cute. How much he looks like me. How much he looks like Sow. Hugs. Kisses. Missing me, but don't bother coming back too soon, just enjoy the time we have off. What the heck are his dang vitals? Even a parody of the video clip I put on the blog. Now who's going to add in the fat star wars kid jumping around the bassinet?

I'm so tired right now. We didn't get much sleep the night before the baby came because we were so excited. And then again last night, too excited to get much sleep. I kept finding myself getting up to walk downstairs to see the baby in the nursery. Even started to walk out in my underwear one time.

Oh as for a more complete set of stats, here goes:
Born 5:15pm, 5th October 2005
2960 grams / 6 lbs 8 ozs.

His hair looks like it's brown.
His eyes are very dark like Sow's
but I think blue like mine.
Okay! That's it! I want one now! How do you get one?
Hi Aaron, Sow and Rayluk!!!!! These pictures are great!!! Can't wait to see you all soon. Rayluck is so beautiful!!!!!!!
Aunt Margot (hehehe)
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