1 Week!!!
Wow it's already been one week. Can you believe it!? It feels like I've known him all my life. But I guess it's more like, for all his life. We took Rayluk outside of the house for the first time today since we got home. He had his first follow up with the pediatrician. He also got his first tour of the city with his eyes open part of the time. He'd slept thru the first ride home and missed everything about Chiang Mai I'd pointed out to him.
At the hospital, all the nurses couldn't help but squeal with delight at him. Each of them came by asking if they could help us out. Just trying to get their hands on our perfect baby. The doctor, checked him out. Stamped him as an extremely healthy baby boy, and even changed his diaper for us. Actually he had the nurse do it, but they were swooning after all.
Sow had been worried about running the A/C in our room, that it might be too cool for the baby. The doctor encouraged that we do. Now mother and baby are both resting quietly on the bed. She discovered that she could lay on her side and breast feed like that. He discovered that he could lay on his side and suckle in his sleep.

Last night I finally documented Rayluk smiling for the first time on camera. He's given me a couple little smiles. They could be gas, but they'll always be smiles to me. And now I have pictues. Well, one picture. Won't you people ever be happy. Just what do you think you're looking at!? Oh, my cute baby. Sorry about that. Go about your ogling. Look quick because they disappear fast.
I hope Rayluk got my email. I sent it from my webmail client which has a tendency to act up, so let me know...someday...I know you are busy.
Thought you might find a use for this: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/custom.html?
I have used it at different times to check times around the world.
That's funny. It's the same site I use every time I forget how to call back to the states, or to Thailand from the states. They have a great section called Dialing Codes.
Be careful... The "Anonymous said..." posting above is from MJ...
Hello? Michael Jackson, come on!!!
Just be careful!
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