Wake Up!
A usual day starts somewhere between 5:00am and 7:00am. At some point I whisper to Sow to see if she's hungry. Sometimes she just pokes me awake. I roughly get out of bed, throw on some of yesterday's clothes, maybe wet down my hair, and walk to the market. If it's raining I take an umbrella.
Depending what time you get there, there are different things to choose from. There's a rush starting about 5:00am. People getting a head start on the day, grabbing a bite to eat on the way to their 6:00am hotel job, or coming down early to feed the monks.

I'll usually grab some boiled rice soup, or steamed rice, but I always stop to get nam tao hoo & baa tong go. Sweet soy milk and little fried breakfast breads. Picking up steamed rice usually means attempting to fry some eggs to go with it. We have an electric wok that seems to go from 0 to deep fry only. There's a tiny bias at one end of the dial where things don't quite char. I obviously haven't mastered the fine art of the thai omelet yet.

Man, you gotta open up a counter serving good ol'breakfast burritos there! You'd make a killing! ;)
Yeah, at 10 baht (about 25 cents), I'd only need to sell 300 to pay my $75 rent!
When I first read this, I thought it was a type-o "Feed the Monks".. Do they actually put the Monks in a cage before they feed them?
No they're free-range monks.
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