On the air...
Tonight, Sow and I were on Jerry's morning radio show. We finally got iChat to work thru the firewall at the radio station. Of course the first thing out of my mouth had to be bleeped. Didn't realize we were on quite yet. Next time maybe we can hook up Jerry on a long distance radio blind date with Sow's friend, Mui.
My friend Steve may have recorded it. We'll see, I know the station recently changed the way they stream their broadcasts. If he get's it I'll add a link. ***unfortunatley, it looks like their stream is still whacked. Maybe next time?***
We talked the other morning with Steve and later with Jerry testing out the iSight video camera all my friends bought for me as a going away present. Thanks everyone! They're officially the first of my friends to meet Sow. Well, other than Colin, Daniel & Ilya, of course, who were all here when I first met her.

The beauty of wi-fi. Right across the street from the Chiang Mai Gate, we were able to sit outside on the patio of an internet cafe, sipping cha manao, and a watermelon shake. 11:00 am Chiang Mai, 9:00 pm Fresno.
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