Lego's Strike Force

I found some more of those Korean knock-off lego's the other day. This is part of the Black Cops series. They have an assault helicopter and sniper rifles. There's even a set that includes a target shooting range. I'm sure these aren't fit for a small child. Not just because the tiny pieces are small enough to be swallowed, but a lot of parents don't like their children to even act out playing with guns.
I'm seriously thinking about picking up some of these sets for the baby. Not for him to play with right away, but we might want them to play with later, or heck, they're just wrong enough for dad to collect. And the chances of ever finding them again, let alone in the states... Wow, I think I just convinced myself to pick a few up next time I'm at the mall. I've looked for a website or any contact info, but everything is in Korean and in Thai.

Look how cute the little sniper illustrations are...
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