Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Floor Farts (TM)

We didn't watch much tv today. It was an entertain yourself day. It was rather quiet overall and reminded me of those summer days when you're looking for stuff to do.

After breakfast, I laid down on the floor. Our water was out again, so my back was nice an sticky, and stuck cleanly to the smooth tile floor. Wait what's that? A perfect fit? Like a suction-cup!

I found that if I arched just right, I could make the most fabulous farting noises with my back. I push up, and thwump! I settle back, and phlert! Wow! This could be hours of entertainment. Well, if I weren't married that is. As much as I had Sow laughing, she finally made me stop when she could hear our neighbor poking around and preparing food out back.

We'll see how it sounds in the afternoon...


At 9/15/2005 1:04 PM, Steve said...

You guys are having too much fun!


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