Ants In My Pants...
Well, at least the lap portion of my pants. More specifically, the laptop part. There are these tiny little red ants. They're about half the size of normal black ants, but they seem to like certain types of electronics. I constantly find them crawling in and out of my laptop!?

They don't seem to be doing anything wrong, I think maybe they just like it because it's warm and dry. Or maybe they're just really intelligent. Every time I go to the internet cafe I find them crawling out to explore. Across the dark green tabletop. To the flower vase. The salt and pepper shakers. Eventually over the side of the table. They only have 1:45 min of battery life to return or be left behind. Do they know? Do they care? Are they aware that if I'm using my iSight it drastically reduces the point of no return? So many soldiers left behind. They knew the risk when they signed up for the mission.
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